Wednesday 20 June 2007

Band of Bugs

Today sees the release of "Band of Bugs" on Xbox Live Arcade. The game is a turn based strategy game following the story of Maal as he tries to save the Queen and kingdom.

The game is only 34MB to download and it costs 800 Microsoft Points.

The trial game allows you to sample the single player story mode through a series of tutorials and skirmishes but doesn't allow you to save your progress.

The mechanics of the game are similar to lots of other turn based strategy games such as "Advance Wars". Each map is composed of many squares of varying terrain types and you have different units (or bugs in this case) available to command. Each bug is is better suited for certain roles and all have individual strengths and weaknesses and it's up to the player to use them effectively.

The full game allows access to the other single player modes and the multi-player mode. In addition there's a comprehensive level editor which allows you to create custom scenarios which you can play by yourself or over Xbox Live with friends.

I couldn't really get into this game, and although I really enjoy games such as "Advance Wars" this just didn't make an impression. If you've tried and enjoyed this game let me know what you thought.


Anonymous said...

I liked it so far. Not sure how long I'll play it but so far I'm liking it.

QuizzicalDemon said...

I'm glad you're enjoying it "Jigsaw hc", in theory it's a game I should like as-well but it's just not grabbing me.

Taylor M said...

I enjoyed the demo. It reminded me of Gladius, a gladiator turn-based strategy game on the original Xbox.