Sunday 24 June 2007

A Quiet Week for Demos

It's been a bit quiet this week on the gaming demo front. After the rush of the last few weeks where a number of demos were released in quick succession onto Xbox Live this week has seen the complete opposite and there haven't been any new demo downloads made available to the UK service.

At present I'm still playing through Forza 2: Motorsport (X360) and I still need to finish off Shadow of the Colossus (PS2). I've also recently picked up Colin Mcrae DiRT (X360) and I'm hoping to post up a review of that as soon as I can get my teeth into it. From what I've played of the game so far it's very different to Forza and requires a different driving style but it's still very enjoyable.

On the horizon we have Overlord, Tenchu Z, Hour of Victory, Project Sylpheed, The Darkness and Call of Juarez all due to be released this Friday on the 29th June for the Xbox 360. Of those I've already got Overlord on preorder which I'm very much looking forward to playing. I'm also keeping an eye on the The Darkness to see if it's worthwhile picking up a copy once I've finished some of my existing games.

So many games, so little time!


Anonymous said...

I know it is aimed at kids, but I like the demo for Surf's Up.

QuizzicalDemon said...

Thanks for the recommendation, I'll have a look at the game when the demo is available in the UK (I can't see it listed at the present time)