Monday 22 October 2007

PS3 Joins the Fold

I picked up a Sony PS3 last weekend. The price has recently been reduced to the point where I was willing to part with my hard earned cash. The price also included three games (from a selection of five) bundled with the system and fortunately all of them were on my list of titles I would have bought for the system. I also wanted to pick up the 60GB version before it was phased out in favour of the slightly cheaper, but feature stripped, 40GB version that was released recently.

I've not had a great deal of time to play with it but first impressions are good. The system was simple enough to set-up, connect to the wireless network and once connected to the outside world update to the latest version of the operating software (version 1.93). The PlayStation Store is easy to use and there's quite a lot of content available to download should you wish to try out some demos, watch movie clips or purchase games but it's not on a par with Xbox Marketplace yet.

It was very noticeable just how quiet the PS3 is compared to my Xbox 360, although it still gets just as warm! Unfortunately the system only comes with a SCART TV connector (Europe) which is useless for HD and gives poor picture quality, thus you have to purchase a better connector (HDMI) to get the full benefit.

So yet another toy to play with and more games added to the stockpile with Heavenly Sword, Resistance: Fall of Man and Motorstorm all waiting to be played. Firstly though I've The Orange Box, Puzzle Quest and Sega Rally Revo on the the Xbox 360 to complete!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, seems cool.
