Tuesday 6 November 2007

Super Stardust HD Review

Every now and again I get the urge to play a decent old school style shooter that can provide a good gaming fix when you've only got limited time to spare. I'd heard that Super Stardust HD on the PS3 was a good classic style shooter and once I'd sorted out my credit card with the PlayStation Network, promptly downloaded it.

The game is very straightforward and at its heart this is similar to the classic Asteroids but with a 21st Century spin to provide fast and frenetic gameplay with the simple aim of destroying anything that moves. The player controls a spacecraft in orbit over a planet using one joystick for movement and the other for directional fire, similar to Robotron or Geometry Wars. However, unlike the aforementioned classics you're not based on one 2D plane but on the curved plane of the planet you're orbiting.

Your ship comes armed with three different types of primary weapon, namely the "Rock Crusher", "Gold Melter" or "Ice Splitter" which are selected via the "L1" and "R1" shoulder buttons. Each weapon is not only more suited to certain asteroids and enemies, but slightly different in nature. For example the "Gold Melter", a beam like burst of fire is more appropriately used against "Gold" asteroids whilst the "Rock Crusher" is best against standard asteroids but provides great fire dispersion.

Although it's not essential to use the correct weapon type it certainly makes life easier and thus less likely you'll be swamped with hundreds of asteroid fragments floating around the planet surface and your ship crushed between a rock and the proverbial hard-place.

Certain asteroids contain glowing green cores and when destroyed will leave various power ups to collect such as extra lives, shields or weapon upgrades. Power-ups gradually degrade over time and when left uncollected eventually deteriorate to bonus points.

The game is split into a series of five planets, with each planet separated into five phases culminating with a boss encounter. Each planet gets progressively more difficult and soon the planet atmosphere is swarming with asteroids and enemies to avoid. In the event of an emergency you have a limited number of "bombs" which can be used to clear the immediate area or alternatively a "boost" facility which is unlimited but takes a a few vital seconds to recharge.

The game is gorgeous to behold featuring some great explosions and special effects with some catchy background music tracks which take me back to some of the classic shooters that appeared on the Amiga in the days of yore. Super Stardust HD has all the qualities of a great shooter and at its core is a very playable game that is easy to pick up and play yet hard to master. The game not only provides a great experience but is exceptionally good value at only 4.99 GBP.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This game just works, over and over again.