Monday, 21 May 2007

US Hardware Sales - April

The April US hardware sales make interesting reading. Nintendo must be feeling pretty smug about now as the all conquering "DS" headed up the hardware sales chart closely followed by the "Wii". No doubt the recent release of Pokemon Diamond / Pearl has helped the DS consolidate its position.

What's amazing is that last gen hardware is still doing so well. The PS2 and PSP sold a respectable amount and the GBA is still hanging on in there, all of them surprisingly outselling the PS3. I don't think the alarm bells are ringing quite yet in Sony HQ as it's early days still, but surely they must be a little worried?

1. Nintendo DS (471,000)
2. Nintendo Wii (360,000)
3. Sony PS2 (194,000)
4. Sony PSP (183,000)
5. Microsoft Xbox 360 (174,000)
6. Nintendo GBA (84,000)
7. Sony PS3 (82,000)
8. Nintendo Gamecube (13,000)

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