Wednesday 13 June 2007

Prince of Persia Classic Trial Impressions

Prince of Persia was originally launched in 1989 for the "Apple II" and went on to be ported to many platforms in the years that followed. Today marks its release on Xbox Live Arcade after an overhaul to bring it up-to date. The download is 49.89MB and is yours for 800 Microsoft Points.

At the start of the game you're told that the Sultan of Persia has left to wage war and the grand vizier Jaffar has been left to rule in his place. However, the vizier intends to marry the sultans daughter to claim the throne for himself and gives her an ultimatum, marry him or die.

This is a platform game and you have just one hour, in real-time, to negotiate the palace and rescue the princess. The core gameplay remains the same from what I remember when I played it on the Amiga many years ago. You still need to negotiate precarious platforms, avoid traps and fight guards but it has been lovingly given a new coat of paint with an updated graphics engine. The graphics, for an arcade game, are excellent and the prince still moves with the characteristic animation that made the original stand out. There are only a few controls for the prince and you have to remember that the prince can either walk or run, there is no precision analog control, and this can lead to an unfortunate end in some circumstances.

The trial version allows you to try out the first level as you find yourself thrown into the dungeon. To help you out a "butterfly" shows you the way, or you can just explore in your own time if you prefer, but to progress to what would be the next level you need to find your sword so you can dispatch the guard that is blocking your path.

The full game offers 14 levels, normal, time-attack and survival modes and has 12 achievements totalling 200 gamerscore points. Although the trial is a bit short it perfectly showcases the game, and for me it brings back a lot of memories and is instantly familiar.

I'm Impressed with this update and it is a prime example of how to produce a "retro" game for the modern age while respectfully acknowledging the original.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm loosing my memory in my old age. Before trying the trial I "memories" of playing this and enjoying it. As soon as I stared playing the trial my real memories came back reminding me that I hated the controls. I always miss my jumps just a little and end up quiting because I die like 30 times.