Monday 8 October 2007

Halo Dirt Revolution

The weekend is over once more and it's time to buckle down to work again. I've had a fairly busy game-playing weekend with bouts of Halo 3 mixed in with DiRT and smattering of Sega Rally Revo.

I'm still enjoying Halo 3 and I'm progressing with both the level scoring achievements and online multiplayer ranking when time permits. Most of my time is still spent playing co-op as I find it more enjoyable than taking part in a deathmatch type scenario.

I picked up Sega Rally Revo the other day and thus far I'm enjoying the game. However I find the opponent AI to be frustrating at times as they tend to stick to one racing line and if you happen to get in the way then you're invariably bullied off the road.

I've been playing DiRT on and off since release and I've finally completed the single player career mode 100%. Now that's finished I've turned my attention to the championship mode and thus far completed the "European" and "International" events with just the "World" event to go before the game can cast aside.

This week sees the release of PGR4 for the Xbox 360 and I'm very tempted to pick that up later in the week. It seems like at the moment there's a high profile game released on a weekly basis. The problem is getting the time to play them all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Turning the skulls on for scoring definitely has a big impact on the gameplay. I tried a few levels of scoring and the time you beat it in has a huge effect.